Saturday, May 28, 2011

Roma: Where Wine is Cheaper than Water

Today we did not do that much since it was our first "Friday" aka weekend day. First we went to the church Santa Maria which was sooooo beautiful (like every church here haha) and then went to the Conservatori Museum and again really only looked at the oldest items according to the chronology as we have been learning. Here were some of my favorites
ceiling of santa maria (again envision REALLY shiny, pretty gold).

altar of santa maria

dome of one of the 10 chapels in the church

The sacred wooden doll of baby Jesus which was carved out of sacred olive wood from the garden of Gethsemane but in 1994 the real one was stolen so this is only the replica.

replica of the great statue of Marcus Aurelius

famous statue of a Roman nobleman with the visages of his ancestors.

giant painting of the Horatii vs. Curatii. The famous battle between the Roman and Alban triplets.

famous statue of a boy trying to get a splinter out of his foot

really cool mosaic! looks 3D

Another Day 1 Latin class lesson about the she-wolf Amalthea who suckled the twins Romulus and Remus.

beautiful entablature from the temple of Concord

pretty view of the Forum

another beautiful entablature of temple of deified Vespasian.

After we were released from class, my friends and I stayed at the museum to look around some more and I took the scenic route home so I could visit some places that I missed when I was sick :(
painting of she-wolf and the twins.

HUGEEEE monument to Italy's first king.

statue of Castor and Pollux.

This was a really cool intersection where there were 4 fountains (one on each corner) this was one of them :)

The ecstasy of Saint Theresa!
Saw some pretty things today :) The next two days are weekend days for me but more to come soon!

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