Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Out and About

Today I woke up feeling great thank God so I actually got to go see some cool stuff!! In the morning we didn't have class because Dr. A had to go pick up his family from the airport so I went with a group of friends to see the Fontana delle Api (Fountain of the Bees) and Fontana del Tritone (Triton Fountain) and both were beautiful!! The cool thing about the Fontana delle Api is that it is drinkable water so you can fill up your water bottle there or some people even drank straight from it!
After that we went to the Palazzo Barberini, which was the palace of the Barberini family and a "getaway" for the Pope. It was magnificent and we weren't even able to see the entire thing!! I kept taking pictures even though you weren't supposed to haha but there were some really cool famous paintings and ones I've never seen before that were just beautiful. The ceiling frescoes were absolutely breathtaking especially the largest one which seriously looked 3D it was scary. There was also a MASSIVE fireplace that makes me look tiny in comparison.
pretty dome!!

painting of the Rape of the Sabine Women which I've learned about since basically day 1 of Latin class.

imagine this on the ceiling of a GIANT ballroom I was speechless when I first walked in the room. And all of this is painted on one surface all the "marble" looked sooooo 3D but it wasn't!! ahh so cool
probably my favorite statue because of the insane detail!! A veil made of marble yet you could still see here face!! IMPRESSIVE

massive fireplace that made me look small!
 After all this in the morning, we met back up with group for class time. Class today was at the Etruscan Museum called the Villa Guilia and was located in another old "getaway" residence for the Pope so it didn't exactly look like a typical museum you would think of in the US. There was a lot of cool pottery and jewelry but we weren't allowed to take pictures inside of any of the artifacts but I have some picture of the gardens/courtyards outside!
pretty walkway around courtyard with Renaissance fresco

courtyard (straight ahead is the covered walkway in the previous picture)

ancient mosaic preserved

three-storey Nymphaeum!! (fountain of Nymphs)

one of the nymphs close up

ionic columns with different color marbles that made a pretty contrast

this was one of the gardens and is extra special to my family in honor of Mr. S who planted these red flowers at Lake Rabun :)

kind of an awkward pic haha but me and my fellow Chi Os!! also my roomies for the trip!

So ya that was my first day off the sickbed!! woohoo!! tomorrow we go to the Forum and somethin else haha so stay tuned! 

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